Ryan Reynolds Hosting The Next Oscars?

Ryan Reynolds was asked if he would host the Oscars, but he said he would be too intimidated to do so.

By James Brizuela | Updated 1 year ago

Ryan Reynolds is currently one of the biggest actors in the world, and one of the funniest. His sheer popularity might fast-track him into hosting the Oscars, which he was asked if he would do. According to Ryan Reynolds, “I can’t imagine hosting the Oscars, where the ultimate win for me would be breaking even.”

Ryan Reynolds is currently being talked about in the Oscar conversation simply because the hit song from Spirited, “Good Afternoon,” might have a shot at winning an Academy Award for Best Original Song. Everyone has also asked if Will Ferrell and Reynolds would be willing to perform the song live, which Reynolds has agreed to if he won the prestigious award. Hugh Jackman also recently begged the Academy not to give Reynolds the Oscar.

The banter and ongoing “feud” between Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are already hilarious, but it would be that much more hilarious if Reynolds won an Oscar for music before Jackman did. That is why Jackman has begged the Academy not to let it happen. We wonder if Reynolds were to host the Oscars if there would be some grand joke that would happen between him and Jackman.

The possibility that Hugh Jackman could disrupt Ryan Reynolds hosting the Oscars is the biggest reason why it should happen, or the pair could even host together. Considering the world is actively waiting to see Deadpool and Wolverine together, they could do some huge promotional damage by hosting the Oscars, bringing even more attention to their upcoming superhero movie. Think about it, Hollywood.

At the very least, if “Good Afternoon” does win, we will likely get to see Will Ferrell and Ryan Reynolds perform it together on stage at the Oscars, which would be amazing. Both aren’t exactly known for their dancing and singing prowess, but it would be great to see them go above and beyond with the theatrics on stage. We need the Academy to take picking Reynolds to host a bit more seriously.

Ryan Reynolds hosting the Oscars would also be a nice change of pace, as he isn’t exactly a stand-up comedian. We wouldn’t expect that he would tell any sort of jokes that would warrant being slapped in the face. However, there could be some people that just dislike Reynolds, namely Hugh Jackman.

For now, everyone can see Ryan Reynolds sing and dance in Spirited, which could be replicated if he is to win an Oscar. Spirited retells the classic Charles Dickens story, A Christmas Carol, but the new movie brings in far more laughter and dancing. It is available to stream on AppleTV+.

Ryan Reynolds would be quite a great host for the Oscars, and one that would bring a different type of joke-telling, considering he is just a comedic actor. That is not to say that he wouldn’t be able to deliver some great barbs to the many actors and Hollywood folks in the crowd, but we would imagine that the evening would be a bit more on the elegant side of things. Either way, we hope to see him either presenting the night or dancing on stage next to Will Ferrell.
